∆ Duke Nukem 3D, the latest demo of the legendary blast-’em-up.
∆ Cannon Fire, a tactical level American Civil War simulation.
∆ Mah Jong Parlour, the chinese tile game on the Mac
∆ Safecracker™, a QuickTime VR-based adventure game
∆ Speed Demon 1.2, a car-based shoot-’em-up across the USA
∆ Tick, one for the younger players
∆ X-Plane, possibly the best civilian air sim around!
Plus a demo of Br√òderbund's The Last Express.
• Over 85Mb of shareware games - 27 of the latest offerings to satisfy all tastes.
• New maps for Mac Doom II, Ultimate Doom, Marathon ∞ and Duke Nukem 3D, plus a number of utilities and updaters (including Descent II and Marathon ∞).